
BirdLife Malta works to stay up-to-date on any changes or introductions of policy which may affect the environment and wildlife. We strive to ensure our environment and the species that inhabit it receive the best possible protection for long term sustainability.

BirdLife Malta policy developmentPublic consultations
As part of this work, we react to public consultations on developments, policies, strategies, laws, and other regulatory measures that the Government publishes in order to identify and evaluate potential impact on these ecosystems and on citizens living in surrounding areas. We actively raise potential concerns over planned developments we want to prevent to decrease the likelihood of pollution, damage, or destruction of the natural environment in the future.

Policy on an EU level
As a member of the BirdLife International network, we maintain regular communication with our partner in Brussels to support our advocacy work on topics of environmental importance on both a national and EU level.  We also attend task force meetings with all European BirdLife partners to share valuable knowledge, experience and updates on ongoing projects. During the Maltese EU Presidency in 2017, we utilised this opportunity to cooperate with national NGOs to strengthen local partnerships and to influence decision-making with a common voice through direct communication with relevant stakeholders.

Want to learn more?
You can stay up-to-date on our policy work by reading our latest reactions and position papers below.

Reactions to public consultations

BirdLife Malta reacts to Public Consultations of Planning Applications, Government and European Policies, Plans and Strategy Papers including industrial, commercial and individual (such as housing) development applications that have an impact on the natural environment. Due to our experience in the field of working towards preserving the Maltese natural environment – including terrestrial and marine ecosystems – BirdLife Malta alongside with other Maltese environmental organisations are invited to react to public consultations within three weeks of opening the call.


BirdLife Malta’s comments on the Partial Local Plan Review of the South Malta Local Plan for Ħal Far (Phase 2)

BirdLife Malta recommendations on the Intent and Objectives for the Extension of the Action Plan for the management of Invasive Alien Species of Union Concern to include five additional species

BirdLife Malta’s objection to proposed change in plot parcelling and alignment at Tal-Wej, Naxxar

BirdLife Malta comments on “Amendment for public consultation to clarify interpretation of building height limitations”

BirdLife Malta objection to proposed construction of a farm with ancillary facilities in Bidnija (PA/07946/18)

BirdLife Malta’s comments for the EIA Terms of Reference of PA/06096/23: Proposed Thermal Treatment Facility in the ECOHIVE Complex, Naxxar

BirdLife Malta’s Objection to proposed Phase 3 development within Fort Chambray, a historical site dating back to the 18th Century

BirdLife Malta objection to the proposed development (PA/01633/24)  of 46 residential units organized into 13 levels in Xlendi, including an underground parking area

BirdLife Malta’s recommendations on the General Guidelines for Landscaping in Urban Areas

BirdLife Malta’s recommendations on the Intent and Objectives: Updated National Air Pollution Control Programme

BirdLife Malta’s comments on the Strategic Environmental Assessment report for Malta’s National Policy for the Development of Offshore Renewable Energy

BirdLife Malta’s comments on the draft Environmental Permitting (Procedure for Applications and their Determination) Regulations

Letter to ERA ahead of the Planning Board Meeting on Dwejra (Gozo) quarry extension (PA 08763/19)

BirdLife Malta objection to the proposed development (PA 0865/24) on Triq il-Maqdes Megalitiku in Xemxija, featuring excavation works and the construction of a 13-storey building

BirdLife Malta’s feedback on the Third River Basin Management Plan for Malta

BirdLife Malta’s feedback on the Case Officer Report regarding the upgrading of existing drag strip for international events in Ħal Far

BirdLife Malta’s feedback on the Green Paper on the Regulation of Groundwater Abstraction in the Maltese Islands


BirdLife Malta comments on the partial review of the South Malta Local Plan for Ħal Far

BirdLife Malta comments on PA 4962/22 proposing the building of a Regional Health Centre and an underlying four-level carpark in Buġibba

BirdLife Malta objection to PA 6655/23 for the sanctioning of reservoir and registered trapping station in Wied Għomor

BirdLife Malta comments on the Air Quality Plan for Malta

BirdLife Malta comments on MSFD Programme of Measures, Draft Summary Report: first update (Seabirds)

BirdLife Malta’s feedback on the draft National Policy for the Deployment of Offshore Renewable Energy

BirdLife Malta’s comments on the PA 1721/23 proposing the upgrading of existing drag strip for international events in Ħal Far

BirdLife Malta’s feedback on PA 4688/23 proposing the extension and alterations to the existing Sterling Chemicals factory in Bengħisa

BirdLife Malta’s comments in relation to the PA 4672/23 proposing to construct a two-storey structure to form two separate dwellings with pools and basements in Baħrija (Rabat)

BirdLife Malta objection to the PA 4317/23 proposing the excavation of plot for 42 garages and the construction of 43 residential units in Mqabba

BirdLife Malta objection to the PA 4350/23: Installation of floating jetty at Armier Bay by the Palm Beach Resort

BirdLife Malta comments on the updated Marine Monitoring Programme (seabirds) pursuant to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MFSD)

BirdLife Malta objection to the PA 03475/23: Internal and external modifications and addition of second floor level to existing first floor level maisonette, proposed two overlying duplex apartments within a 10m distance from Simar Nature Reserve

BirdLife Malta comments on the EIA and AA reports in relation to the construction of an organic processing plant, ECOHIVE complex, Naxxar

BirdLife Malta recommendations on the Terms of Reference for an EIA, AA for PA 00437/23, Demolition of ex-Jerma Palace Hotel and construction of a mixed use resort, Marsaskala

BirdLife Malta comments on the EIA and AA reports in relation to the PA/07254/22 Proposed Touristic Complex Villa Rosa, San Ġiljan

BirdLife Malta comments on the AA and EIA reports prepared for the Second Electrical Interconnector between Malta and Sicily

BirdLife Malta comments on the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan to 2030

BirdLife Malta comments on the EIA Terms of Reference for the proposed construction of a Material Recovery Facility (MRF) for the processing of grey bag and recovery of different streams of materials

BirdLife Malta comments on the Intent and Objectives: Malta’s National Strategy and Action Plan for Pollinators 2035

BirdLife Malta comments on the proposed redevelopment of the Amazonia Beach Club (PA 4577/22)

BirdLife Malta comments on the proposal to relocate St Albert the Great College to an Outside Development Zone (ODZ) area in Għaxaq




BirdLife Malta comments on PA 06754/22 regarding the proposed extension to the Pergola Hotel in Mellieħa

Joint eNGO comments submitted in relation to new proposed amendments to the regularisation regulations which pose a huge treat to ODZ land

BirdLife Malta comments on the Intent and Objectives: Malta Yelkouan Shearwater Species Action Plan 2022-2030

BirdLife Malta comments on the draft National Strategy for the Environment 2050

BirdLife Malta objection to PA/5895/22 to turn Bidnija sheep farm into commercial hospitality venture

BirdLife Malta objection to proposed demolition and reconstruction of the ex-Festaval hotel within Foresta 2000 site

BirdLife Malta’s objection to PA 5500/22 for the construction of a 4-star hotel including ancillary facilities and an underground parking area in Xlendi, Gozo

BirdLife Malta response to the public consultation on the Terms of Reference for the EIA in connection with the development of an Organic Processing Plant in Magħtab

BirdLife Malta contribution to the Consultation on the Environmental Report (Strategic Environmental Assessment) for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Strategic Plan 2023-2027 for Malta

BirdLife Malta comments on the Draft Opinion on the socio-economic aspects of the restriction of lead in outdoor hunting, sports shooting and fishing (an EU-wide consultation on lead use restriction)

BirdLife Malta comments as part of the public consultation on the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) Operational Programme 2021-2027

BirdLife Malta’s comments on PA 03351/22: Rehabilitation of historic building, including internal and external alterations in Siġġiewi (in close proximity to Buskett)

BirdLife Malta’s recommendations on the EIA Terms of Reference for the Second Electrical Interconnector between Malta and Sicily

BirdLife Malta comments on the National Animal Welfare Strategy, presented as part of the public consultation process

BirdLife Malta comments on an application to demolish existing structures and construct a garage and residential units at a site located less than 20m from BirdLife Malta’s Simar Nature Reserve

BirdLife Malta’s representation on the embellishment project for Ramla Bay in Gozo (PA 02977/22 Ramla Masterplan)

BirdLife Malta’s representation on PA 03071/22, a proposal to demolish existing two disused farms and construct tourism accommodation in Marsaxlokk

BirdLife Malta’s representation on PA 02673/22, proposing a hard rock quarry in Bengħajsa, Birżebbuġa

BirdLife Malta’s comments on the updated EIA report in relation to the redevelopment of the existing derelict Delimara Bay Hotel

BirdLife Malta’s comments on the proposed Gozo Rural Airfield, Xewkija

BirdLife Malta’s representation regarding PA 00676/22 proposing multi-purpose sports village in Ta’ Qali

BirdLife Malta’s comments on the Guidelines for Good Forestation Practices for the Maltese Islands

Recommendations on the EIA Terms of Reference for the amended application to propose an iconic Tourism Complex to the already approved full permit PA 2478/16, San Ġiljan

BirdLife Malta’s recommendations for the EIA Terms of Reference for PA 05420/21 Construction of Corinthia Oasis, Mellieħa

Feedback on the Intent and Objectives:  Guidelines for Good Forestation Practices for the Maltese Islands

BirdLife Malta comments about the public consultation regarding the amendments to the Daily Penalties (Environment) Regulations

Recommendations on the Terms of Reference for the EIA on the proposed scuttling of the M/T Hephaestus at a site off the south coast of Qala, Gozo to create a new diving attraction

Representation regarding application PA 07577/21 to restore rubble walls and install timber gates in a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and a Special Protection Area (SPA) in the coastal area of Żurrieq



Objection to development application PA 08194/21 submitted by Marsaxlokk Mayor Stephen Grech to transform Marsaxlokk Primary School garden into a community centre for the Local Council

Recommendations on Terms of Reference on the Closure, Aftercare and Rehabilitation of Landfills and Excavation Voids

Response to the EIA report on the Mellieħa Bay Hotel redevelopment

Comments on EIA for the redevelopment of the Comino Hotel and bungalows

Recommendations as part of the public consultation on the draft national programme for the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF)

Comments on the public consultation for the EIA report on the redevelopment of the Ramla Bay Resort, Marfa (Mellieħa)

Comments on the redevelopment of the seaside lidos belonging to the Sunny Coast Hotel, Luzzu, and the Seashells Resort at Suncrest Hotel

Comments on the construction of greenhouses and solar farm in Mġarr

Comments on public consultation for the EIA report for the proposal of the construction of the Malta-Italy gas pipeline EU Project of Common Interest

Recommendations on the Terms of Reference for the EIA for the Valletta Breakwater

Comments in relation to the redevelopment of the Comino Hotel at San Niklaw and Santa Marija Bays, Comino

Feedback by BirdLife Malta, Friends of the Earth Malta & Moviment Graffitti on the Malta Low Carbon Development Strategy

Comments on the public consultation document “Conservation Objectives & Measures For Malta’s Marine Natura 2000 sites”

Recommendations on the “Conservation Objectives and Measures for Malta’s Terrestrial Natura 2000 sites”