BirdLife Malta believes that it is the obligation of all the educational sectors to prepare our future generations to appreciate the beauty of nature and consequently identify what harms the natural environment.
At a time where all around the globe everyone is recognizing the importance of safeguarding nature as a link to our own well-being as human beings, schools play a major role in enhancing children’s knowledge on nature. Children should not be shielded from the known truth that some of our own human activity is detrimental to nature.
FKNK open letter addresses unfair criticism against publication by independent author
Examples of these activities are the use of single-use plastics and the problems it causes when it is disposed of incorrectly and the damage that fuel-driven vehicles cause with air pollution. The same goes for unsustainable hunting of birds or the taking of any natural living animal. We cannot deny teaching what is blatantly known to be a fact.
It is relevant to point out that the values of BirdLife Malta are today shared by many, including the author of the educational publication Teleskopju. This publication is not one of BirdLife Malta’s publications and neither is it part of the syllabus in state schools. Teachers can however still use any books they come across to help them reach their curriculum targets.
The criticism addressed to this publication by the hunting lobby is unfair since the question placed is an open-ended question allowing children to write and discuss what they truly believe. This is the modern way of teaching, where children are given the opportunity to express their opinions, thoughts and feelings. BirdLife Malta has full trust in the teaching community that with their skills and experience are capable to facilitate such discussions without any need for judgement.

BirdLife Malta is a pioneer in environmental education, and it is today proud to be part of a wider local movement with independent authors, publishers and other eNGOs that allow children to experience and explore nature while making sure they understand the importance of taking care of it.
Read the Maltese version of the press release here.