Date: Tuesday, 15 December 2020
Time: 18:30-19:30
Location: Online (Zoom)
Do you enjoy taking photos of birds and nature? Would you like to learn more about nature photography? Do you love birdwatching and would like some tips on how to best take photos of birds? Do you do this as a hobby and would love to become a professional?
Renowned bird and nature photographer Aron Tanti will be giving a talk on this subject in our next event being organised by the BirdLife Malta Events & Activities Committee.
The event
Birdwatching through a camera will be an online event and it will be open to all, but requires prior registration. During the event, Aron will also be presenting BirdLife Malta’s latest publication which he authored, and which has just been launched by BirdLife Malta. Interestingly, this new project came to life as a result of the COVID-19 restrictions introduced last March when Aron, for the first time in his life, was not able to go out and do what he knows best during the spring bird migration. With this, the opportunity cropped up to start working on a dream he had for a long time but never found the time to finalise – that of compiling his work into a publication.
The publication
A hundred experiences of a bird photographer in Malta is a book like no other, in which Aron presents a vast collection of images featuring birds in the wild, all taken in the Maltese Islands. A hundred of these photos are accompanied by a thought from the photographer himself, reflecting his decades-long journey in local bird photography, highlighting the various aspects of the many twists that characterise this practice in the Maltese Archipelago.
How to join
The event will last around an hour and will be held on Zoom. We will start with a live 30-minute presentation by Aron Tanti who will speak about bird photography and his book. This will then be followed by a brief Q&A session during which Aron will take any questions participants may have in relation to the subject.
To book your place please send us an email on [email protected] by 10 December, providing your full name and membership number if you are a BirdLife Malta member. Those interested in participating should also ensure that they have the relevant Zoom Video Conferencing app installed on their devices. The link and Meeting ID to access the Zoom meeting will be sent by email two days before the event. Please note that the meeting will be recorded.
Follow the Facebook event for updates!
Purchase your copy of Aron’s book!