Breakfast debate with MEP election candidates

April 11, 2019 11:44 am

Date:            Friday, 3 May 2019
Time:           08:00-10:00
Location:    Salina Nature Reserve (Visitors’ Centre)

At the end of May, Maltese citizens will be joining their counterparts in the other EU Member States and vote to elect a new European Parliament. 

It is now beyond any reasonable doubt that the global economy is leading to massive climate change that poses an existential threat to humanity. It is also beyond any reasonable doubt that human activities are causing a collapse of biodiversity and an impoverishment of ecosystems on a massive scale 

Malta’s political parties are fielding their candidates for these MEP elections. The list also includes a number of independent candidates and others contesting on behalf of other groups. In Malta, these elections are being held on Saturday 25th May. 

In view of these important upcoming European elections we have extended an invitation to the main political parties for a breakfast debate which will be held at the visitors’ centre of our Salina Nature Reserve. A number of candidates from each party will respond to questions related to the above, but also to others related to the environment from a local context. 

Partit Laburista (PL) will be represented by MEP candidates Robert Micallef and Alfred Sant, Partit Nazzjonalista (PN) will be represented by Peter Agius and Frank Psaila, Alternattiva Demokratika (AD) will be represented by Carmel Cacopardo and Partit Demokratiku (PD) will be represented by Anthony Buttigieg.

What do these candidates think about ODZ development and climate change? What is their party’s position on the transport challenges we face as a country and on air pollution? Are biodiversity, ecosystems and the protection of Natura 2000 sites a priority for them? Do they have an opinion on the situation in regard to hunting and trapping derogationsWhat’s their take on the level of environmental law enforcement and wildlife crime? Do they have an opinion on the way forward for waste management and land reclamation 

Join us at Salina on Friday 3rd May to find out and send us your questions on these topics if you would like the MEP candidates to respond on the day! Questions are to be sent by email to [email protected].  The debate will be held in Maltese. 


Participation for this event is free and open to all but due to limited space and breakfast arrangements, we are taking bookings through this registration form. Only those booked will be accepted on the day. Breakfast starts at 08:00 with the debate starting at 08:30 sharp. 

For this event we’ve invited all other MEP candidates to also be present in the audience, together with a number of eNGOs and other special guests. So places are limited…if you intend to participate, book now!

Follow the Facebook event for updates!