Notte Bianca, Saturday 7 October 2017

August 31, 2017 10:15 am

Date:            Saturday, 7 October 2017

Time:           19:00 – 24:00

Location:    Grand Master’s Palace Courtyard (Valletta)

During this night, the old streets, churches, and museums of Valletta will host exhibitions, local artists, workshops, and concerts until the early hours. BirdLife Malta will be participating to promote a culture of socio-environmental awareness among the general public!

Together with other NGOs, you will find us in the area dedicated to Science in the City inside the courtyard of the President’s Palace which you can access from Pjazza Regina, or Republic Square.

Our stand will focus on bird migration and the scientific work we do to monitor this phenomenon using advanced technologies such as satellite-tagging, but also through our bird ringing scheme. During Notte Bianca 2017 we will be presenting our Turtle Dove satellite-tagging project, an applied case where the latest technology of telemetry is used to monitor and track these wild birds for effective actions in order to assist in their conservation for the future.

Apart from showcasing our work, we shall also have interactive games and activities related to the tracking of migrating birds such as Turtle Doves and Malta’s seabirds, together with interesting details about the biology of bird migration.


More info on:
Facebook event Science in the City/Notte Bianca