Nature close up

October 22, 2014 11:40 am

Back in March of this year Klabb Ħuttaff members and schools involved in Dinja Waħda took part in a sponsored Walk for Nature event, raising an impressive total of €1,123. The aim of the annual Walk for Nature is to encourage children to experience spring and wildlife first-hand, whist simultaneously raising awareness for the importance of nature conservation. This year’s 7km walk started from Siġġiewi taking the group along the coast to view different habitat including farmland, garrigue and sea cliffs, then finishing outside St Matthew’s Chapelin at Il-Maqluba.

Klabb Ħuttaf activities are run by a group of dedicated volunteers who are passionate about getting young people into nature and giving them opportunities to learn more about the world around them This year the volunteer leader group decided that the sponsorship money raised should be spent on ensuring that more children have the opportunity to see nature close up, and selected the idea of binoculars to be used by both school groups and families visiting the reserves.

The reserves will be open to the public at weekends from November to May with activities suitable for the whole family to enjoy. We’re also hosting a special launch event at Simar Nature Reserve to mark the start of the new season on Sunday 26th October. You can find out more about this event and what’s on offer here –
Teachers who are interested in bringing their school group along to one of the nature reserves should book early as we’ve got loads of exciting new offers available meaning that we’re going to be busier than ever this year. For the first time the nature reserves are now available to a wider audience including year 3 students for a visit linked to Social Studies, and form 1 and form 2 students for a field teaching visit delivering the Integrated Science syllabus.
BirdLife Malta are passionate about allowing as many young people as possible the opportunity to experience nature close up. As an organisation we’d like to say a massive thank you to everyone who raised sponsorship money and we hope to see you at the nature reserves soon so that you too can enjoy using the binoculars.
If you’re interested in getting your children involved in Klabb Ħuttaf activities click here.
For school bookings please call the BirdLife Malta office on 21347646 or email [email protected]

Words by Hannah Chisholm, BirdLife Malta Education Manager
Photos by Victor Falzon and Ella Beeson