Blue Rock Thrush

June 10, 2019 1:21 pm


The Blue Rock Thrush (Merill in Maltese), being the national bird of Malta, represents our environmental education work, through which we strive to connect children, youths and adults with nature. We work to generate understanding and respect for the environment, and to inspire change in people’s behaviour towards sustainable lifestyles. Taking this bird “under your wing” helps us to reach out and connect more people with nature. 

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Choose between these three bird species:

  • The majestic, soaring Peregrine Falcon
  • The elusive, diving Scopoli’s Shearwater
  • The charming, melodic Blue Rock Thrush

What is included in your bird adoption pack?

Your #BirdHero adoption pack will include:

  1. A4 print of a watercolour illustration by Nimrod Mifsud
  2. Adoption certificate which can be personalised so that you can buy it as a present
  3. An A4 card packed with interesting information about the species of your choice
  4. Digital copy of our magazine, Bird’s Eye View