Come and join us at Simar Nature Reserve where we host a one-hour literary session featuring the sharing of stories and fun activities for four to seven year olds.
The sessions are in English and parent/caregivers are welcome to join in the fun. The main objectives of the programme are to instil a love of books, and to develop the child’s imagination through fun and stimulating activities in a natural environment. The Magic of Stories/Seħer l-Istejjer is a family literacy programme run by Malta’s National Literacy Agency and our sessions form part of a partnership between BirdLife Malta and the Agency with the aim of encouraging children to connect with nature.
Sessions at Simar run every Wednesday between 4:30pm and 5:30pm and parents can book their children for the session by calling 2598 2999 during office hours or sending an email to
The National Literacy Agency (NLA), within Malta’s Ministry for Education and Employment, seeks to promote and enhance lifelong and life-wide, high quality literacy practices among children, youth, adults, third-country nationals and persons with learning difficulties. It also strives to improve literacy outcomes, resulting in inclusive practices, higher education qualifications, and better job prospects. The Agency was established in mid-2014 to promote and ensure the delivery of the different aspects of the National Literacy Strategy for All in Malta and Gozo, and to serve as a main driver in the field of literacy. Click here for the National Literacy Agency’s website.
The Magic of Stories is a family literacy programme intended for children between 4 and 7 years old, and their parents/guardians. The primary aim of this programme is to promote a love of reading among children and their parents/guardians. Weekly sessions are held free of charge, during which a number of stories are read in a fun and motivating environment, to stimulate children’s imagination. These sessions are held in various centres around Malta and Gozo and in numerous public schools in Malta and Gozo. Click here for the Magic of Stories Facebook page.