Ġonna Dinja Waħda are green spaces in school grounds that increase urban biodiversity and offer opportunities for children to connect with nature through their curriculum.

Ġonna Dinja Waħda are school gardens in the middle of urban spaces. This makes them highly important to wildlife as spaces where urban species can find refuge, food, and breeding grounds. In turn, these gardens provide valuable green settings for children and adults to relax in and bond with nature.
Our Dinja Waħda Gardens are planted with indigenous flora that enrich nature in our urban spaces.

Through the support of the Environment & Resources Authority (ERA) and the Directorate for Educational Services, BirdLife Malta is able to offer a maintenance service to schools to upkeep these gardens for biodiversity and education.
Click on the gallery below to get a glimpse at some of our Dinja Waħda Gardens. Visit the tabs you can find further down on this webpage for more details and photos of each Dinja Waħda Garden.

Mrieħel Secondary

Fgura Primary B

Blata l-Bajda Middle School
Reading Garden

Blata l-Bajda Middle School
Wildlife Garden

Tarxien Primary

Ħ’Attard Primary

Dingli Primary


You can also watch this video showcasing some of our school Dinja Waħda Gardens and explaining how BirdLife Malta supports schools in maintaining these gardens for wildlife thanks to financial support from the Environment & Resources Authority (ERA).
- Mrieħel Secondary, St Theresa College
- Fgura Primary B, St Thomas More College
- Blata l-Bajda Middle School, San Ġorġ Preca College
- Salina Nature Reserve
- Tarxien Primary, St Thomas More College
- Ħ’Attard Primary, St Nicholas College
- Dingli Primary, St Nicholas College
- San Anton Junior School, Imselliet
- Għar Dalam
- Tarxien Temples
- Rabat school
Mrieħel Secondary, St Theresa College
Blata l-Bajda Middle School, San Ġorġ Preca College
You can find out more about Ġonna Dinja Waħda by reading the wonderful magazine the students of Blata l-Bajda worked hard to produce to showcase the reading garden they created. Click on the picture below to read.
Tarxien Primary, St Thomas More College
Tarxien Primary School start off their Dinja Waħda Garden planting with a fun learning activity that culminated in planting in the garden. Watch the video below!