
NAT-Helpers is an Erasmus+ funded project focused on promoting the importance of biodiversity from cultural, economic, and social perspectives in the primary sector (livestock, fishing, and agriculture), allowing professionals from these sectors to share their experiences regarding the benefits that biodiversity brings to their practices.

The project partners

SEO/BirdLife Spain is the project coordinator and it collaborates with several European partners within the BirdLife International network for the implementation of this project. The partners include BirdLife Malta, Ligue pour la protection des oiseaux (LPO) in France, Hellenic Society of Ornithology (HOS) in Greece, and Lega Italiana Protezione Uccelli (LIPU) in Italy. The project also involves other key participating entities such as Escola Agrària d’Amposta (ECA), the Institut d’Estudis Professionals Aqüícoles i Ambientals de Catalunya (IEPAAC), and the Xarxa per a la Conservación de Natura (XCN).

Fostering Biodiversity Awareness: Educational Resources in the Primary Sector

The project explores the perceptions of primary sector professionals regarding the importance of biodiversity. Videos featuring professionals from each sector were produced to highlight the positive impacts of biodiversity in their activities.

These videos serve as educational tools for professionals and as training materials for organizations, such as agricultural and maritime educational institutions.

Furthermore, the project created an educational manual outlining the positive impacts of biodiversity in specific sectors, along with tools to align European perceptions of biodiversity in the rural world with cultural and social realities. In essence, the project aims to encourage practices that promote the use of biodiversity and contribute to its conservation.

To see the resources available, click here.