A Superpower to Defend Nature is a new inspiring Erasmus+ project aiming to promote a world where children with development disorders are given a chance to become nature leaders and influencers of climate justice. A world where children, families, professionals, and eco-warriors in all their diversity are brought together through nature-bonding experiences.
January 2023 marked the start of this project led by BirdLife Malta in collaboration with the Maltese public service provider Kummissjoni għad-Drittijiet ta’ Persuni b’Diżabbiltà (CRPD), Sociedad Espanola de Ornitologia, SEO (BirdLife Spain), Lega Italiana Protezione Uccelli, LIPU (BirdLife Italy), Hellenic Ornithological Society (BirdLife Greece), Idryma Prostasias Aprosarmoston Paidon I Theotokos (Theotokos Foundation of Greece), and Associazione Italiana Persone Down Onlus of Pisa (Italy).
For two years, until February 2025, our common goal will be to harness the benefits of outdoor ecology and environmental education in order to increase the visibility, inclusion and participation of children with developmental disorders in nature educational activities. Outdoor and social educators will work in synergy providing guidance to one another in order to develop confidence in high quality inclusive outdoor experience delivery. Families will be motivated to include more outdoor activities in their daily lives. At the end of the project, the children will showcase their passion through inspirational videos in a platform where they will feel seen and heard.
We hope that with this project we will create a reality where children with disabilities feel part of a larger community of people that love, care, and fight for nature.
For more information on this project, send us an email to [email protected].