Date: Tuesday, 25 May 2021
Time: 18:30–19:30
Location: Online (Zoom)
We once again invite you to join us for another informative Zoom event, organised by the BirdLife Malta Events & Activities Committee. This month we will be hosting Nicholas Galea, Head of the BirdLife Malta Ringing Scheme, as he takes us through the work carried out in 2020, which was a record year for bird ringing!
Scientific bird ringing is the process of marking wild birds, often by using a metal ring placed around the leg, for the purpose of re-identification. By using uniquely coded rings, birds can be re-identified wherever they are found.
This makes bird ringing a powerful tool for scientific research. Bird ringing allows us to recognize a bird from others of the same species that otherwise look identical, allowing us to understand a bird’s movement, both locally and abroad for migration, as well as many other things.
Bird ringing in Malta is carried out exclusively by the BirdLife Malta Ringing Scheme, which is the only recognised EURING partner in Malta. Ringing in Malta first started in 1965 when ringers from the British Trust of Ornithology visited and trained BirdLife Malta members. Later that same year, our ringing scheme was officially recognized and the study of birds has continued since!
Throughout the year of 2020 our ringing scheme ringed over 23,000 birds in the Maltese Islands!
During this event Nicholas will talk us through some highlights from last year, including the different species ringed, some interesting bird re-captures and dispersal of local birds, interesting overseas recoveries of locally ringed birds and vice versa.
He will also touch on the work we do with satellite-tagging of birds and some other topics of information. An informative presentation not to be missed!
Participants and members interested in joining can book a screen for the Zoom presentation by registering their details on this google form, by no later than the 23rd of May 2021.
A link will then be sent 24 hours prior to the presentation. Those participating should ensure they have the relevant Zoom Video Conferencing app installed on their devices.